Degtyarevskaya st., 48



Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00

Sat 9:00-18:00

Pediatric surgery

Children's Surgeon, Kiev - MEDICAL CARE Clinic AVETSENNA MEDIn order for parents to be calm about the health and development of the baby, they must understand how important it is to obsersve the health not only at the pediatrician, but also with the doctors of other specializations.

The first time a pediatric surgeon should be contacted is when the child turns one month, then six months, and then one year.

The doctor’s task is to identify congenital pathologies of development so that if necessary a treatment can be started as early as possible. After all, the later a pathology is diagnosed, the more likely it is for the treatment to be delayed and become more difficult.
During the consultation the surgeon will examine the child, fill out the medical record and if necessary, prescribe tests and additional examinations. Based on the data collected, the surgeon will prescribe a treatment regimen or determine the need for surgical intervention.

In case of presence of any of the following symptoms it is necessary to consult with a pediatric surgeon:

  • problems with urination,
  • frequent constipation,
  • stomach ache,
  • injuries, fractures, sprains,
  • sudden fever or vomiting,
  • any deviations in the appearance of the genitals,
  • detection of neoplasms and others.

The sooner you go to the doctor, the more likely you are to quickly and easily eliminate pathologies.

Surgery can be urgent and planned. In the first case the doctor treats conditions that threaten the patient’s life, in the second congenital or acquired ailments are treated.
Urgent surgery includes stopping of bleeding, treating the effects of peritonitis and post-traumatic complications, removal of appendicitis, adhesions, etc.
Planned surgery includes treatment of problems such as hernias, fistulas, eliminination of pathologies of the liver, kidneys, lungs, anterior abdominal wall, treatment of intestinal obstruction, removal of angiomas, hemangiomas and much more.

In the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» doctors try to perform all surgical interventions using low-traumatic methods – for example using a laparoscope or a laser.

What the clinic offers AVICENNA MED

The undoubted advantages of treatment in the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» are:

  • complex approach,
  • highly qualified specialists,
  • modern technical equipment,
  • comfortable conditions in the wards,
  • caring hospital staff,
  • affordable prices at a high level of service.

By choosing us you save your time, as all necessary consultations and surveys can be obtained and executed at a single place.

To make an appointment with the doctors of the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» you can call:

+38(096) 290-03-95