Degtyarevskaya st., 48



Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00

Sat 9:00-18:00

Lower eyelid surgery – lower blepharoplasty

The most attractive part of the human face is the eyes; they are the ones that attract attention first. Therefore, we ourselves and those around us immediately see the slightest imperfections in the skin of this area, which is very delicate and vulnerable. It is sensitive to aggressive exogenous factors and is primarily susceptible to age-related changes. Loss of tone, sagging skin, wrinkles under the eyes, unattractive bags significantly spoil the appearance and age. A plastic surgeon will help to effectively solve the problem, and to correct defects in the lower eyelid area, a special operation is performed – lower blepharoplasty.

Indications for blepharoplasty

The operation is effective in the presence of such negative changes:
  • sagging skin folds;
  • noticeable wrinkles;
  • fatty protrusions (hernias);
  • defects of the eyelids.
Lower blepharoplasty can be performed as the main intervention or performed in combination with upper eyelid blepharoplasty or a circular lift. It allows you to modify the shape and shape of the eyes.

Contraindications for blepharoplasty

The tissues around the eyes are quite easy to correct and have a high restorative ability. But in some cases, lower blepharoplasty is contraindicated. These include:
  • oncology;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • cardiac problems;
  • infections, acute conditions;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Preoperative preparation

Preparation for surgery includes a consultation with a plastic surgeon, an ophthalmologist, a general examination, and tests. The doctor should be informed if any medications were taken before the intervention. You should not eat food 12 hours before blepharoplasty. Nicotine should be stopped 20 days before and after the intervention.

Operational process

During the operation, the plastic surgeon performs the following actions:
  • applying markings;
  • dissection of the skin in the area of the eyelash line;
  • removal of excess skin, parts of muscle, redistribution of fat;
  • suturing the wound.
The duration of the operation is from half an hour. General anesthesia or local anesthesia is used. Complex interventions require a postoperative hospital stay, where the patient is observed for 1-2 days. Blepharoplasty can also be performed on an outpatient basis, with a short control period of several hours.

Rehabilitation, side effects and complications

For the first 7 days, tactile contact with the skin of the operated area should be avoided. You should not strain your eyesight by reading, working with a computer, or watching TV. A week after the operation, the stitches are removed. For 14 days, exclude the use of contact lenses and cosmetics. Physical activity is allowed after 3 weeks. Natural post-operative phenomena that resolve within 10-14 days include:
  • hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • eye dryness, itching.
Failure to comply with the technology can lead to divergence of seams and asymmetry of the eyes. After a few years, the need for repeated surgery cannot be ruled out due to further age-related transformations. As a result of lower blepharoplasty, muscle fibers are tightened, a beautiful subcutaneous layer is formed, and sagging skin is removed. The face becomes youthful, fresh, and the look is open and radiant. Such changes not only have a positive effect on the appearance, but also improve the psychological state and improve the quality of life.