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Circular face lift

Circular face lift - clinic AVICENNA MED, Kiev

Sadly, the age reflects on our face. Skin condition worsens, and with it wrinkles appear, tone decreases, the face oval becomes less clear. And if before cosmetic care gave good results and helped to maintain freshness, then with age this is not enough. The reason for such changes is gravitational ptosis, that is, the lowering of the soft tissues of the face. In the arsenal of modern medicine, there are many options to restore youth.
But, unfortunately, the only way to solve this problem is plastic surgery.
To improve the contour of the face is called facelift — a circular brace. It is performed by clients aged 45-60 years. And the lift is done not only by women, but also by men. The advantage of facelifting is that it makes it possible to improve the deep structures of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (connects the facial muscles to the skin) and subcutaneous adipose tissue, rather than simply correcting age-related changes.

Types of plastic facelift

There are three divisions — lower, middle and upper. Conditionally they are separated at the level of the eyebrows and nostrils by horizontal lines. First signs of aging are noted in the upper zone, then in the middle and further in the lower and in the neck.
Indications for a circular facelift are the lowering of the outer corners of the eyes, deep nasolabial folds, sagging and lowering of the soft facial tissues, the «double» chin. You can not perform facelifting if the patient has a disease (acute chronic illnesses, oncological, infectious, endocrinological) or blood coagulability.
With a lift, the eyebrows and forehead, the middle region, the lower 2/3 faces, the neck can be affected. You can perform a circular pull-up of the three zones together. The use of endoscopic technique is possible.

Carrying out the procedure of circular facelift

The operation lasts from 2 to 6 hours and is under general anesthesia. The incision is made in front of the ear, then round it along the bovine furrow. Depending on the situation, the excess skin is removed or moved, the plastic of the superficial muscular-aponeurotic system is performed. Then the surgeon sutures.
Stay in the hospital does not exceed three days. Perhaps the appearance of weakness, a decrease in sensitivity in the area of operation, an increase in body temperature. Sutures are removed after 7-10 days. It is important to limit physical activity and thermal procedures, not to be long under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This reduces the risk of postoperative complications.

To make an appointment for plastic surgeons of the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» you can call:

+38(096) 290-03-95

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