Degtyarevskaya st., 48



Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00

Sat 9:00-18:00


The diagnostic department of the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» has modern, high-precision technical equipment, thanks to which various diseases can be identified at the earliest stages of development. It is also important that the equipment is used by specialists who can correctly and fully employ all the possibilities of the technology. In the Center of Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» these two factors are perfectly combined — modern equipment and high qualification of doctors.

For diagnostics and treatment of various ailments, the following types of diagnostics are used in the Center for Progressive Medicine «Avicenna Med»:
  1. Electrocardiogram.
  2. Endoscopic examination.
  3. Ultrasound examination, including the possibility of performing a biopsy.

It is important to note that the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» has its own laboratory. You do not need to waste time visiting other establishments. All tests can be done in our clinic, many of them in CITO.

If you have any doubts about your state of health, you observe any alarming symptoms, doubt the diagnosis previously given by other specialists, want to take tests or simply get advice from a qualified expert, contact the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED». The facilities of the clinic allow you to solve any problems in a single complex, with the help of modern equipment, in a short time and with the maximum comfort for you. If surgical treatment is necessary, the clinic has its own surgical department and comfortable hospital rooms.

To make an appointment with the doctors of the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» you can call:

+38(096) 290-03-95

Here you can get acquainted with the list of conducted laboratory tests and find out the actual prices for the diagnostic services in the center of progressive medicine «AVICENNA MED».

*All prices are in US dollars. Payment is made in UAH at the official rate established by the NBU at the time of payment.

Diagnostical services


Anoscopy 20,00
Rektromanoscopy 40,00
Gastroscopy 55,00
Сolonoscopy 87,00

Ultrasound examinations

Dopplerography of the vessels of the penis 20,00
Duplex scanning of the arteries of the upper (and lower) limbs 17,00
Duplex scanning of veins of the upper (and lower) extremities 26,00
Duplex scanning of the vessels of the abdominal cavity organs (arteries of the abdominal aorta) 20,00
Duplex scanning of vessels of the neck and head 29,00
Duplex scanning of renal vessels 23,00
Kidney ultrasound 17,00
Ultrasonography of kidney and bladder in children 17,00
Ultrasonography of the kidneys, bladder 20,00
Ultrasound of two paired joints (hip, knee, tibia, shoulder, arm-wrist, fingers and feet) 17,00
Ultrasound of lymph nodes – one group (inguinal, axillary, cervical, abdominal cavity) 10,00
Ultrasound of the mammary glands 17,00
Ultrasound of scrotum 13,00
Ultrasound of scrotum with doppler of vessels 17,00
Ultrasound of soft tissues 9,00
Ultrasound of soft tissues in children 12,00
Ultrasound of one organ (except as indicated in the price list) 6,00
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is transabdominal 17,00
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is transvaginal / transrectal 18,00
Ultrasound of pelvic organs in men 17,00
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs 21,00

Ultrasound of the pleural cavities
Ultrasound of the prostate is transabdominal 12,00
Ultrasound of the prostate transrectal 18,00
Ultrasound of the bladder 12,00
Heart ultrasound (echocardiography) 26,00
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland 13,00
Ultrasound in pregnancy up to 11 weeks 26,00

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Electrocardiography (ECG) 7
Laboratory research

Biochemical blood tests

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 4,00
Nitrogen of urea 4,00
Albumen 4,00
Amylase 4,00
Amylase pancreatic 5,00
Bilirubin general, direct, indirect 5,00
Bilirubin generic 3,00
Bilirubin straight 3,00
The protein fractions (albumin, α-1-globulins, α-2-globulins, β-1-globulins, γ-globulins, A / G ratio) 6,00
Glucose 4,00
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) 4,00
Diastasis of urine 3,00
Total protein 3,00
Creatinine 3,00
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 3,00
Alkaline phosphatase 3,00
Blood pH 3,00
Uric acid 3,00
Urea 3,00

Indicators of lipid metabolism

Apolipoprotein A1 5,00
Apolipoprotein B 5,00
Lipase 4,00
Triglycerides 3,00
Cholesterol 4,00

General clinical researc

A total blood test (20 indicators, ESR) 10,00
An expanded blood test (general blood test, ESR, leukocyte formula) 12,00
Reticulocytes 3,00
The blood group (AB0), the Rh factor (Rh) 8,00
Antibodies to the Rh system (Rh) 8,00
Antibodies to the system AB0 (hemolysins) 8,00
Urinalysis total 6,00
Urinalysis of the Zimnitsky 5,00
Urinalysis by Nechiporenko 5,00
Urinalysis for protein (daily dose) 5,00
Urine analysis for ketones 5,00
Urine analysis for sugar (daily serving) 6,00
Diastasis of urine 4,00
The albumin / creatinine ratio of urine 7,00
The test of Reberg (glomerular filtration rate) 6,00
Stool analysis total (coprogram) 7,00
Analysis of feces for eggs of helminths and protozoan cysts 5,00
Scraping on egg pinworm (enterobiosis) 5,00
Feces for hidden blood 5,00
General analysis of cerebrospinal fluid 5,00
General sputum analysis 7,00
Pleural fluid analysis 12,00
Complex cytotest (diagnosis of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, HIV 1, 2 type) 35,00

Hemostasis system

D-dimer 8,00
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 4,00
lupus anticoagulant 11,00
Coagulogram (prothrombin time, prothrombin index, thrombin time, APTT, fibrinogen, ethanol test, protamine sulfate test, beta-naphthol test of INR) 14,00
International Normalized Relations (INR) 5,00
Prothrombin index 5,00
Prothrombin time 5,00
Thrombin time 4,00
Fibrinogen 5,00

Microscopic examination

Microscopic examination of the biomaterial for demodex (eyelashes, eyebrows, skin scraping) 12,00
Microscopic examination of the secretion of the prostate 9,00
Microscopic examination of biomaterial (hair, nails, skin scraping) on ​​pathogenic fungi (on glass) 12,00
Microscopic examination of urogenital smear (female) – uretra, vagina, cervix Smear 9,00
Microscopic examination of urogenital smear (male) Smear 9,00
PAP test (cytomorphological examination of the epithelium from the cervical canal) 20,00
Rinocytogram (microscopic examination of scrapes of the nasal mucosa) 7,00
Spermogram 20,00
Cytological study of biomaterial on atypical cells (on glass) Cytology 12,00
Cytological examination of the mammary gland / punctate (on the glass) 17,00
Cytological examination of sputum (on glass) 12,00
Hormonal colpositology studies (3 smears) 16,00
Hormonal colpositology studies for pregnant women 11,00

Pathohistological studies

Pathohistological studies Category I 23,00
Pathohistological studies Category II 35,00
Pathohistological studies Category III 46,00