Degtyarevskaya st., 48



Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00

Sat 9:00-18:00


Record for the surgeon's doctor's appointment - private clinic AVICENNA MED, Kiev

The surgical department of the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» provides all opportunities for accurate diagnosis and quality treatment of patients.

In addition to a surgeon consultation, it is possible to receive doctors of related specialties (vascular, plastic, maxillofacial surgeon, oncologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, mammologist and others).
All doctors of the clinic have extensive practical experience in various fields of surgery. Conditions of the center provide an opportunity not only to advise patients, but also to make further in-patient treatment. This means that our doctors can provide assistance at any stage of the disease and have every opportunity to provide quality treatment.
The equipment of the Center for Progressive Medicine «Avicenna Med» meets the highest modern requirements — all the necessary diagnostic and modern surgical equipment is available within the walls of the clinic. The doctors of the center have the opportunity to use laboratory diagnostics (including CITO!).

If outpatient treatment is necessary, specialists can appoint a therapy regimen. You can always contact the doctor to check the effectiveness of treatment and adjust appointments. It is also possible to carry out a wide range of non-extensive operations in a polyclinic environment, both with local and general anesthesia.

In a day hospital, you can:

  1. Perform a biopsy.
  2. Remove soft tissue formations as neatly as possible so that cosmetic defects (warts, fibromas, papillomas, lipomas, condylomas, atheromas) do not remain.
  3. Remove foreign bodies or implants.
  4. Eliminate purulent-inflammatory processes of soft tissues (paronychia, phlegmon, hematoma, carbuncle, panaritium, boils, abscesses).
  5. Solve problems of ingrown nails and their fungal lesions.
  6. Apply dressings in case of presence of wounds (including postoperative), purulent-inflammatory processes, trophic ulcers and other pathologies.

If there is a need for a surgical intervention, you can also receive the full range of services at the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED».

At its disposal the clinic has modern high-tech European equipment for performing any kind of operations, as well as qualified specialists who possess vast experience and can perform both traditional and minor traumatic surgeries. At the same time doctors have all the necessary knowledge of modern international protocols for diagnosis and treatment.

In the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED» doctors try to perform the maximum number of surgeries with low-traumatic methods — using a laparoscope or laser.

Laparoscopic surgical operations are a modern method of conducting a wide range of surgical interventions.

In particular this method allows:

  • removal of the gallbladder,
  • umbilical and inguinal hernia,
  • cysts of the liver,
  • appendicitis,
  • fistulas and tumors of the uterus and much more.

To register for an appointment with the surgeon of the Center for Progressive Medicine «AVICENNA MED», you can call:

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