Degtyarevskaya st., 48



Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00

Sat 9:00-18:00

Vacuum therapy

Vacuum cupping therapy is one of the most ancient methods of healing the body, invented by Chinese sages and used for thousands of years as a non-drug treatment method. The key tool is glass jars, from which air is sucked out to create negative pressure inside.
Cupping massage is considered an effective and safe way to influence the body: with its help you can improve the condition of almost any organ. The procedure is carried out by a specialist only after thoroughly diagnosing the patient’s condition.

The operating principle of vacuum therapy

The main task of vacuum therapy is to stimulate the body to activate metabolic processes without the use of any drugs. To achieve this, special cups are used, which can either be placed on the back along the spine (static method) or move along the body (sliding method).
In the first case, the duration of the procedure ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. In the second case, the doctor moves the jar over the skin, using energy meridians as a guide. These are invisible lines along which the main biological points run (they are also used in acupuncture).
After installing the cans, pressure is created inside them, which ensures a gentle expansion of the tissues, and slightly modified blood vessels allow blood elements to pass beyond the bloodstream. Essentially, microhemorrhages are created in the tissues. This is not a side effect of therapy, but its main tool for activating the body’s immune processes.
Cupping massage ensures the removal of toxic products from the body, accelerates the metabolic process, helps eliminate congestion in the blood and tissues, and activates the energy potential of the body. By taking a course of vacuum massage, you can even improve cerebral circulation.
Vacuum therapy has no equal in terms of the depth of its effect on tissue and provides a long-lasting, lasting effect. In addition, it serves as a diagnostic tool: by the nature of the resulting edema, the state of certain body systems can be determined with high accuracy.

Indications for use

Vacuum cupping therapy is effective and safe in a number of cases:

  • High-quality lymphatic drainage;
  • Stimulation of intestinal motility;
  • Normalization of the functioning of internal organs (in particular, the gallbladder, kidneys, stomach, etc.);
  • Non-invasive autohemotherapy (stimulation of the immune system);
  • Elimination of stagnation in tissues;
  • Treatment of colds;
  • Diagnostics of the circulatory system and lymphatic system;
  • Elimination of stress and pathological memory from connective tissue (relevant for some chronic processes);
  • The fight against excess weight (therapy for eliminating adipose tissue is especially effective);
  • Cosmetic effect (improved skin tone);
  • Anti-cellulite effect.


Cupping therapy has a number of categorical contraindications:

  • Acute infections;
  • Fever;
  • Purulent and fungal skin lesions;
  • Tumors of any etiology;
  • Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins (2nd and 3rd degree);
  • Pregnancy (from the 2nd trimester).

Prices for services

Vacuum massage (dry, 1 session)700.00
Hijama (1 session)1000.00

Cupping massage in medicine

Traumatology and orthopedics

Vacuum massage is an excellent solution for localizing and eliminating absolutely any traumatic pain, from domestic injuries to sports rehabilitation. With the help of vacuum cup therapy, you can solve the problem of diseases of soft tissues (muscle infarction, hardening of muscle tissue, etc.) and the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, osteochondrosis, myofascial pain in the neck, limbs and back, rheumatoid arthritis in remission).

Vegetative-vascular system

Vacuum therapy is a safe way to treat insomnia, migraines, and neuralgia of various etiologies. Using this non-invasive method, you can combat the consequences of impaired blood circulation and lymph (endarteritis, cerebral atherosclerosis, cerebral palsy, polyneuritis, Parkinson’s disease, etc.).


Cupping massage will help solve even such unpleasant problems as urinary incontinence, ischuria and impotence.


Vacuum therapy is an important part of the treatment of patients suffering from urticaria, herpes, chronic furunculosis, neurodermatitis and various dermatoses.


Using vacuum therapy, you can forget about the problem of premature aging, double chin and hated cellulite: in the field of cosmetology, the effectiveness of the method is undeniable.


Vacuum therapy is indicated for menstrual irregularities and lactation mastitis. Particularly recommended for both men and women during menopause.

Admission by appointment.

Each client is provided with an individual (personal) set of disposable cans.