Degtyarevskaya st., 48



Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00

Sat 9:00-18:00

Bariatric surgery

Obesity problem

In the modern world, people are constantly exposed to stress. Technologies designed to simplify life, and the development trends of the world have played a cruel joke with people. Many are forced to sedentary lifestyle, working in the office. A lot of people consciously spend their leisure time sitting at a computer or watching TV. At the same time, an impressive amount of food is often consumed, which can be far from healthy and very high-calorie.

What happens as a result?

The body receives a huge amount of calories, which in most cases are not consumed, but “settling” in the form of cholesterol in the vessels and fat on the sides.

In the absence of sufficient physical activity, pathological obesity occurs, which has already become a global problem. The main symptom of pathology is body weight exceeding the norm by more than 40%.


Bariatric surgery - AVICENNA MED, Kiev In addition to the state of obesity, there are a number of unpleasant symptoms and diseases, including life-threatening ones:

  • Constant thoughts about food, an overwhelming feeling of hunger;
  • The impossibility of adaptation in society, provoked by psychological problems caused by unpresentable appearance;
  • Difficulty of movement (including simple household manipulations – for example tying shoelaces or cleaning the house);
  • Sweating, frequent shortness of breath, weakness;
  • Development of concomitant diseases provoked by obesity: hypertension, lung disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, infertility, uncontrolled urination, bronchial asthma, etc.

Obesity Surgery (Bariatric Surgery)

Of course, one of the simplest and most effective truths is the rule that you need to eat less and move more. But this rule doesn’t always apply, and not to everyone. In cases where a person is no longer able to cope with obesity on his own or is in a state that threatens their life, an innovative method of solving the problem is used – bariatric surgery.

What is it like and how it helps to lose weight?

Surgical treatment of obesity (bariatrics) is carried out in order to reduce the amount of food consumed or to limit the absorption of incoming calories. During the operation, part of the stomach or small intestine is removed / isolated. In some cases, a combination of methods is possible (the best option is chosen for each person individually).

In bariatric surgery, several methods are now used to solve the problem of obesity. The most common of them is laparoscopic resection of the stomach, the purpose of which is to minimize its volume, and gastric bypass surgery, designed to reduce its volume simultaneously with the deactivation of the small intestine section from the digestive process.

Benefits of intervention behavior at the Center for Advanced Medicine “AVICENNA MED”

AVICENNA MED is not just one of the few clinics. In our work, we use only progressive types of treatment, with particular emphasis on innovative low-impact operational methods. The specialists of the center are experts in the field of laparoscopic operations, which minimize the risk of complications and accelerate the patient’s return to normal life.

The Center for Advanced Medicine “AVICENNA MED” provides its clients with a full range of services:

  1. Detailed examination;
  2. Analyzes (availability of own laboratory);
  3. Consultation of a surgeon, which will help you choose the best surgical method;
  4. Carrying out operations at the highest level using innovative equipment;
  5. Attentive and careful care of medical personnel.

Turning to AVICENNA MED, you can be sure of a favorable result: we value our work and value the health of our patients!

You can make an appointment by calling
+38(096) 290-03-95